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As organizations face increasing pressure to distinguish themselves from their competitors, they are also trying to figure out what qualities a good leader should have. The following personality traits can help them figure out what makes a good leader.

A study revealed that certain personality traits are associated with incompetence in leaders and managers. These include over-control, irritability, micro-management, and untrustworthiness. In addition, poor decisions, poor discipline, and dealing with underperforming workers are also cited as traits that can be detrimental to a company’s operations.

  1. Being An Extrovert

This personality trait is characterized by high emotional expressiveness, sociability, and excitability levels. It can be exhibited dominantly or assertively. Other characteristics, such as social participation and speech fluency, are also included in this trait.

  1. Being Agreeable 

This personality trait is characterized by various pro-social behaviors and attributes such as generosity, kindness, and affection. Individuals with this trait tend to be friendly and approachable.

  1. Being Conscientious

This dimension is characterized by high levels of deliberation and goal-directed behaviors. People with this personality trait are likely to be organized and mindful of details. They also have a good sense of responsibility and ethical conduct.

  1. Being Emotional Stable

Emotional stability is often used to describe this personality trait, which can manage and adjust one’s emotions in a self-confident manner. On the other hand, individuals with this trait tend to experience various types of emotional instability.

  1. Being Able To Be Open

People with this personality trait are likely to have a wide range of interests. They also exhibit characteristics such as insight and imagination.

How Charities Can Benefit From The Traits

Leaders must have the emotional intelligence to lead their organizations in today’s competitive environment effectively. This ability is critical in the charitable sector, where values, ethics, and social justice are often considered normal. This capability can help organizations foster an environment that encourages participation.